There once was a cat that liked to play and spend time with
its greatest friend in the whole wild world - the fox!
If that sounds like a psychedelic twist on a fairytale
that you recite to the kids when you want them to shut up
and go to sleep already - well, you couldn't be more wrong!
Some have tried to dismiss this extraordinary and most unorthodox alliance between two animals that have very little in common (aside from their taste for scraps, that is) and the most persistent theory is that these two are not wild animals at all; the fox, especially, would have been domesticated early in life and led to accept kitty as a buddy through some mild form of training... The basis for this theory rests entirely on the animals' rather well-proportioned figures: neither one appears to have been starving for great lengths of time at all. Perhaps it is due to their being noticed as unlikely and exceptional friends; that has had a direct impact on their health and dietary habits as well, huh? Maybe they are being fed so that such pictures (and videos!) as the ones that follow can be taken, in order to chronicle this, to serve as evidence that this isn't a fairytale at all, but truly happening indeed...! Duh! And to all of those who will e-mail and say that I should have included this rather on this blog, as one of my token ''lethargic couples'' doomed from the very start - I say thee nay! Have a look, disbelievers and skeptics that you are - for this is not like that old Sofrimento & Polar Critter combo cartoon odd couple that time forgot (or, rather, pop history failed to record...!) at all:
And don't forget to CLICK on the pictures above - for more!
Including a short video of these two...
The Fox and The Cat of Lake Van, Turkey...
What a heart-warming example for us all
to finally shut our yaps
and try and get along with one another...!
Because... if they can, so can we!