Thursday, February 23, 2012

Luminous Lumineers

And speaking of smiling...
Remember when I told you guys that, much like not all that glitters is most certainly gold, not everything that is luculent is in fact luminous?

Well here is another glowing example of that:

Although, if you do find the above ad in your filtered e-mail, you will find something else at the other end of it. You will actually find this upon clicking on that lumineers ad... And that is most certainly not what you were bargaining for, now is it?

You see, now, this saddens my heart, really; for the Lumineer name has already been used, branded and affixed - and it could have been something so much more noble than what it has become. It could have been on par with the Musketeer

Granted, the black eye on the Lumineer otherwise stainless, porcelain-immaculate image comes from a third party, really: some malicious, insidious spam e-mailer who dared to lure his victims through shameless usage and abuse of the Lumineers brand and name. (Anyway, that is how I got the invitation to play freelotto - in a bit of shameless spam promising me the above sizeable rebate on the crystalline white pureness of Lumineer veneer - which anyone in their right mind would be damned for, right, RIGHT? Right...)

What happened here is not Lumineer's fault, of course.

Hence the title of this luculent post...!

Smile on, Lumineers - smile on!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

♫ ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ❤♫

'Tis St. Valentine's Day and what better way to celebrate it than by spreading the love with all manners of love symbols that are readily available and at our disposal, hmm?

As we used to paraphrase on another blog, at another time, right here on the TLB Prime Network, our very own mortality is one of the chief indicators that we have but NOW to say to one another that we love each other - for our time is short and wasting it in hatred is simply not the way to go.

The chiefest indicator of all though is another entirely: it is one that cannot be seen but only felt, for it is on the inside, it is within us, within us all...

Our hearts contain that sparkle of luminescence, the gift of divine essence that was given to us by God, and that hint can only spark love, an universal love as God Is Love and so are we when we are at our finest and closest to His Image indeed.

So spread the love today: with all manners of symbols such as these (hope you see them): ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ☆ ☺ ☮ ♫ (。◕‿◕。) ❤
❤ (。◕‿◕。) ❤ ☆ ☺ ♫ ❁ ☀ ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ❤

Spread the love with gifts, hugs, high fives, handshakes, handkisses, pecks on the cheeks, pats, long embraces and not so long ones...!

Spread the love with a smile.

Show off that spark of the Divine that is within you today!

Not every smile is appropriate. of course... 

Isto é que é...
Sempre Por O Melhor!
